MAT Exam Preparation Service in Lucknow
MAT Exam Preparation, Check MAT Exam Fees, Eligibility, Exam Date, Format, Syllabus and Sections
Why Choose Us
If you are looking for MAT Coaching institute in Lucknow then you are at right place. We Provide Exam Preparation Services in Lucknow. We've analysed Hundreds of tests Papers to find the best and most accurate practice examples for you to rapidly improve your scores. We have Experienced faculty with a track record of success. We provides the best learning environment to the Students. With our intensive and guided lessons you can quickly improve your Chances of Getting Selected to the Top University in India and Abroad
About US platform has a team of genuine, experienced and expert Teaching Faculty and Admission Counselors who are highly skilled in helping the students to fulfill their dream of studying in the abroad university through our Abroad Admission Assistance Program. We have representatives in over 500+ universities across 20+ countries. We provide services like University selection, Application and Admission Assistance, Visa Processing, Travel Assistance, Pre-Departure Briefing and education loans.
Our College Admission Assistance & Career Counseling Programs offer overall Information about Colleges, Courses, Fees, Admission, Entrance Exam Preparation, Scholarships, Placements and Related Topics.
We are providing services to students since 2003 and now we are holding prestigious rank amongst top most Recruitment, Admission & Exam Preparation Service Provider Globally.
MAT Examination
Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a standardized test conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) to facilitate Business Schools TO select candidates for admission to MBA and allied program. Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD approved MAT as a national level test in 2003. Any B-School - national or international - can consider MAT Score as an admission input based on the Score Cards issued to the candidates. It is an objective type test with multiple-choice questions. MAT exam evaluate the candidate Language Comprehension skill, Mathematical Skills Data Analysis skills, Sufficiency Intelligence skills, Critical Reasoning skills and general knowledge.
MAT Exam Mode
Candidate can take MAT as:
MAT Fees
MAT Fees
MAT Exam Type
MAT Registration Last Date
MAT Exam Duration
MAT Admission Process
MAT Exam Format
It is an objective type test with multiple-choice questions.
Section 1: Language Comprehension
Section 2: Mathematical Skills
Section 3: Data Analysis and Sufficiency
Section 4: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Section 5: Indian and Global Environment
MAT Exam Sections
MAT Score and Percentie
Composite Score
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